east-tec Eraser Version 12.5.5 was released on December 9, 2015.
New features and improvements
- Improved support for Windows 10
- Improved support for Microsoft Edge
- Updated erasing of browser cache databases
- Minor Privacy Guard improvements
- Other bug fixes and improvements
New and updated sensitive areas
Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Edge , Cortana, Microsoft Office 2016, Skype, Opera, Mozilla Thunderbird, ACDSee, Kaspersky Antivirus & Internet Security 2015, Microsoft Security Essentials 4, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC, RealTimes (RealPlayer), µTorrent, LibreOffice, Windows Defender for windows 10, PowerDVD 15, Remote Desktop Windows, Windows Search Indexer Logs, Clean Prefetch Data, Windows Game Settings, IIS Log Files, Search Charm History, Windows Explorer Address Bar History, Network Passwords, Printer ports MRU, Map Network Drive MRU, DirectX Most Recent Applications, Windows Error Reporting, Microsoft.NET Cache, Microsoft.NET Framework SQM